Lake what a body! You have to love when a mainstream actress takes it all off for the camera, and more than once. It's like she wants to do porn but she actually knows how to act. She is so good that..... Oh who cares how it happened; there I was part of some casting interviews for a movie I was part of; part of the crew and had a bit role in. Short story, had to replace a twit, that had an idiot manager. Turns out there were a lot of actress in the area because of a filmfest. Sure it was a long shot that any would respond, let alone come for an interview and possible screen test. Boo if you were to ask any of the others there the day of 'this one particular' interviewee, that used a pseudonym, well the fact that only one person, and until she was asked to bare her breast. Which she did, and then some. Well ,,, skip ahead, skip ahead, she; 'the better.k.a (known as), but I am not saying it was; actress; assumed because of the fact the movie was one step away from porn. That it required a full interview, and my walking her out of the interview , it was for the , 'casting couch's part. It wasn't, but just the fact that I said the , 'blah blah blah.... thank you Ms _____, well let you know' . Well I turned into her wanting to prove see could do the role, and me trying to convince her she did want to ruin her career. Simply the woman needs sex, like its water.
Peter pecker you and your pathetic penis need to stfu! These two are no where near teens nor are their tits tiny. And if you think that they are shy slender subs next time one of them has me drop a load in her non-virginal holes I will have them queen you so you can have a tasty twat teasing you until you are terrified. Your comment boarders on defamation, seriously calling them N. Vietnamese, you are a piece of Sh!+