






Informazioni su di me: We greet you! We are a married couple and we love to have sex. We really hope that you enjoy our videos, we are far from being professionals, but we really want to share our entertainment. Please do not get angry that our videos are not always complete, we often get carried away and forget about filming:D) . But what can we be honest about - our orgasms are real. We love to read your comments and If you like our videos, just push like and comment :* Welcome to our world of sex! No Skype, no Telegram, no what's up. Just messaging here. P.S. Me and my husband will answer in messages, so be polite. P.P.S. If we did not answer, then there were a lot of messages, do not be offended ;-*

Informazioni su di me

We greet you! We are a married couple and we love to have sex. We really hope that you enjoy our videos, we are far from being professionals, but we really want to share our entertainment. Please do not get angry that our videos are not always complete, we often get carried away and forget about filming:D) . But what can we be honest about - our orgasms are real.
We love to read your comments and If you like our videos, just push like and comment :*
Welcome to our world of sex!
No Skype, no Telegram, no what's up. Just messaging here.
P.S. Me and my husband will answer in messages, so be polite.
P.P.S. If we did not answer, then there were a lot of messages, do not be offended ;-*

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